Saturday, July 30, 2022

Be Rich Toward God

 Sharing of Bible verses.



Call to Worship: Psalm 107:1, 8-9

'“Agyamankayo iti Apo , ta isu ket naimbag; agpaut nga agnanayon ti ayatna!” ' Rumbeng ngarud nga agyamanda iti Apo gapu iti di agbalbaliw nga ayatna, gapu kadagiti nakaskasdaaw nga impaayna kadakuada. Painumenna dagiti mawaw; ikkanna iti agkakaimbag a banag dagiti mabisin. '




Prayer for Peace

Light the peace candle.


Diosmi a Managayat sadi Langit,

Tulungannakami kadi a pukawen ti beddeng iti kinakappia. Iwanwannakami a mangpalawa iti pannakaammomi iti kappia a saan laeng a kadagiti kaarrubami, iti komunidad nga ayanmi, ditoy probinsiyami, ngem ketdi iti sibubukel a lubong. Tulungannakami koma tapno mailasinmi dagiti aramidmi a kas beddeng iti kappia kadagiti aglawlawmi. Riingennakami tapno rakrakenmi dagitoy a beddeng nga isu iti manglaplapped iti ingkami panangarakup iti sangkataoan. Iturongnakami a mangipaay iti ad-adu pay a gundawaymi a mangaramid iti kinakappia iti panagbiagmi babaen iti ayat, inanama, ken rag-o. Daytoy ti idawdawatmi iti nagan ti anakmo a ni Jesu-Kristo. Amen.

Hymn of Spirit: 44 O Holy Dove of God Descending

Scripture Reading: Luke 12:13-21

Focus Moment

Mangibingay iti sungbat iti pannakaawat kadagiti sumaganad a saludsud:

What is a need?
What is a want?
What is the difference between a need and want?
Which is more important, a need or a want?

Ministry of Music

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 46:5b-c

For there are many gifts, and to every man is given a gift by the Spirit of God: to some it is given another, that all may be profited thereby;


Iti daytoy a paset iti intayo Isusungbat kas Naparabur nga Adalan (DGR),  alaen tayo manen daytoy a gundaway tapno intayo manen kitaen a dagiti puspusotayo ket addada a maiyannatup iti puso ti Dios ken kasta met a dagiti kayat tayo nga aramiden ket maiyannatupda met laeng iti pagayatanna. Dagiti daton tayo ket saan laeng nga agpaay tapno magun-od tayo iti budget iti Iglesia tayo nga agpaay iti misyonna, ngem ketdi dagitoy ket addaan iti napatpateg pay a kaipapananna agsipud ta dagitoy ket kas maysa a simbolo iti intayo panagyaman iti Dios nga isu iti mangipapaay iti amin nga adda kadatayo.

Iti intayo panangibingay kadagiti daton tayo, ipaay tayo daytoy a gundaway a kas panagyaman tayo kenkuana gapu kadagiti parabur nga ipapaayna kadatayo. Dagiti puspusotayo ket rumangrang-ayda a maiyannatup iti Apo nu addaan tayo iti panagyaman kadagiti adda nga awawaten tayo manipud kenkuana. Agbalin tayo ngarud koma a napudno iti intayo panangibiag iti misyon ni Kristo.

Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes

Message based on Luke 12:13-21

Closing Hymn: 648 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing


53 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise him, all creatures here below;
praise him above, ye heav’nly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.




648 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing

Sent forth by God’s blessing
our true faith confessing,
the people of God from this dwelling take leave.
The supper is ended;
oh, now be extended
the fruits of our worship in all who believe.
The seed of the teaching,
receptive souls reaching,
shall blossom in action for God and for all.
God’s grace did invite us,
and love shall unite us
to work for God’s kingdom and answer the call.

With praise and thanksgiving
to God ever living,
the tasks of our everyday life we will face.
Our faith ever sharing,
in love ever caring,
embracing God’s children of each tribe and race.
With your grace you feed us,
with your light now lead us:
unite us as one in this life that we share.
Then may all the living
with praise and thanksgiving
give honor to Christ and his name that we bear.

44 O Holy Dove of God Descending

O holy Dove of God descending,
you are the love that knows no ending.
All of our shattered dreams you’re mending:
Spirit, now live in me.

O holy Wind of God now blowing,
you are the seed that God is sowing.
You are the life that starts us growing:
Spirit, now live in me.

O holy Rain of God now falling,
you make the Word of God enthralling.
You are that inner voice now calling:
Spirit, now live in me.

O holy Flame of God now burning,
you are the pow’r of Christ returning.
You are the answer to our yearning:
Spirit, now live in me.

(Count Your Blessing)

No ta pangbiagmo mariribocca,
Ket ta panunot pacapsutennaca,
Bendicionna bilangem a saggaysa,
Agsiddaawcanto ti caaduda.

Dayta bendicion mot’ bilangem,
Ayat ti Dios inca kitaen,
Bendicionna inca bilangem,
Adu nga ayatna inna inteden,

Maricnam unay dagsen ta awitmo,
Dayta cruzmo bantotnat’ napalalo,
No bilangem bendicionna nga adu,
Danag pumanaw ragsac sumucatto.

No dagiti dadduma nabacnangda,
Lagipen ti cari ni Cristo kenca,
Paraburna di magatadan kwarta,
Sanicuat’ diay Gloria awan servina.

No adda ka tengngat’ pagbabacalan,
Ti Dios ngad ‘ isu  ti inca camangan,
Ti paraburna angeles ammoda,
Ayat ken tulongna di agpatingga.


Friday, July 22, 2022

Teach Us to Pray


Welcome and Invitation to Worship: Luke 11:9-10

'“Ibagak ngarud kadakayo: Agdawatkayo ket maikkankayto. Agsapulkayo ket makabirokkayto. Agtugtogkayo ket mailukatto kadakayo ti ruangan. Ta ti amin nga agdawat, maikkan. Ti agsapul, makabirok. Ti agtugtog, mailukatto kenkuana ti ruangan. '  - Lucas 11:9-10

Hymn of Welcome: 178 Searcher of Hearts

Opening Prayer


Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.


Apomi a Namarsua, iti ingkami panagruknoy iti sangwanam umaykami tapno sarakenmi dagiti adu a wagas iti pannakagun-od iti kappia. Sapay koma nga agbalin kami a nasirib nga adalan a mabalinna iti mangisuro babaen iti panagbalin a kas maysa nga ehemplo a saan ketdi a kas mangdangran.

Idawdawatmi Kenka a sapay koma ket punnoem dagiti panunotmi iti kinakappia ket ti lawagna raniaganna ti bulalayaw ti karina.

Punnoem dagiti matami iti kinakappia, tapno makitami ti dalan a masapul a surutenmi nga isu iti maiyannurot iti planom. Ket sapay koma a makita kadagiti ruprupami iti ayatmo ken kadagiti isu-amin a makipagdalyasat kadakami.

Punnoem dagiti imimami iti kinakappia, tapno mabalinmi iti agtrabaho iti pannakaipasdek iti pagariam.

Punnoem dagiti dildilami iti kinakappia, tapno magbalinmi iti agsarita a nainayad ket maiwaksimi iti panagpungtot.

Punnoem dagiti lapayagmi iti kinakappia, ket mabalin nga agaweng kadakami iti kinaimbag a kas saniweng iti inaldaw a panagbiagmi.

Punnoem dagiti puspusomi iti kinakappia, ket sapaykadi a mapapigsa kami tapno maibturanmi iti sakit ditoy lubong gapu iti kankanayon presensiya iti kinadakes ken mapno kami koma iti ayat ken parabur a mabalinmi nga ibingay a kas pannakaagas dagiti addaan sugatna.

Ikarkararagmi daytoy gapu iti nagan ni Jesu-Kristo, ti prinsipe iti kappia.  Amen.

Hymn of Discernment: 142 Apo Cucuanac

Focus Moment

Sumangoka iti kaabaymo ket mabalin a pagsaritaanyo iti maipapan iti panagkararag. Mabalin a sungbatanyo dagitoy a saludsud.

· Ania iti kayatna a sawen kenka iti kararag babaen laeng iti sumagmamano a sarita?

· Napadasmo kadi met iti nagkararag idi maysa ka paylaeng nga ubing—kasano, sadino ken ania daytoy?

· Nagbaliw kadi iti wagas iti panagkararagmo kabayatan iti panagdakkelmo wenno panagbalinmo a nataengan?

Message based on Luke 11:1-13

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 163:9

Faithful disciples respond to an increasing awareness of the abundant generosity of God by sharing according to the desire of their hearts; not by commandment of constraint.  Break free of the shackles of conventional culture that mainly promote self-serving interests. Give generously according to your true capacity. Eternal joy and peace await those who grow in the grace of generosity that flows from compassionate hearts without thought of return. Could it be otherwise in the domain of God, who eternally gives all for the sake of creation?

Statement on Grace and Generosity

Ti kinaparabur ti Dios nangruna iti naiparangarang babaen kenni Jesu-Kristo, ket maysa a kinaparabur nga awan a pulos iti kondisyunna. Iti intayo panangawat iti kinaparabur ti Dios, sungbatan tayo babaen iti kinaparabur tayo iti sabali. Idaton tayo iti isuamin kadatayo a maipaay ken maiyannurot iti pagayatan ti Dios a kas naiparangarang babaen ken Jesu-Kristo. Addaan tayo koma iti kinaprabur a mangibingay iti pammaneknek tayo, kadagiti banbanag nga adda kadatayo, kadagiti ministeryo tayo, ken kadagiti sakramento a maiyannatup iti pudpudno a kabaelan tayo.

Iti intayo manen panangibingay kadagiti parabur ti Dios kadatayo, kitaen tayo koma a dagiti puspuso tayo ken gandat tayo ket maiyannatup iti puso ken pagayatan ti Dios nga Apo tayo nga isu iti pagtataudan dagiti isu-amin nga adda kadatayo.

Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes

Closing Hymn: “Weave” CCS 327

Prayer and Benediction



(Draw Me Nearer)

Apo cucuanac, timecmot’ denggec,
Ayatmo ti surutec,
Ngem umad-adda comat’ pammatic,
A kenca mayasideg.

Yasidegnac cadi, O Apo,
Iti denna ti Cruzmo,
Yasidegnac, yasidegnac cad’ Apo,
Arpad dayta bacrangmo.

Alaennac nga agservi kenca,
O Apo a namarsua,
Ti cararuac coma mangnamnama,
Cayatmo matungpalna.

Adda ayat a diac a maammoan,
No diac kenca cumamang,
Adda ragsac a diac maragpatan,
Inggat sicat’ pagtalcan.

Naragsacac ti inoran-oras,
No ti sangom addaac,
Agparentumengac nga agdawat,
Kenca makicaysaac.

178 Searcher of Hearts

Searcher of hearts, to you are known
the inner secrets of my soul.
At home, abroad, in crowds, alone,
you sense my yearning to be whole.

My mind can barely comprehend
the myst’ry of your gracious will.
In human weakness I may fall,
yet your strong arm upholds me still.

I praise you for the gift of life,
for I am wonderfully made!
How precious are your thoughts toward me,
your faithfulness in me displayed.

How from your presence can I go,
or ever from your Spirit flee,
since heights above and depths below
all dwell in your eternity?

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
try me, and all my thoughts survey.
May I respond with days well-lived.
Lord, lead me in your lasting way.

327 Weave

Weave, weave, weave us together.
Weave us together in unity and love.
Weave, weave, weave us together.
Weave us together, together in love.

We are many textures, we are many colors,
each one diff’rent from the other.
But we are entwined with one another
in one great tapestry.

We are diff'rent instruments playing our own melodies,
each one tuning to a diff'rent key.
But we are all playing in harmony
in one great symphony.

Moments ago we did not know
our unity, only diversity.
Now the Christ in me greets the Christ in thee
in one great family.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Cry for Justice

Cry for Justice


Welcome, Joys, and Concerns

Invitation to Worship : Psalm 52:8b, 9

Agtalekak iti di agbalbaliw nga ayatna iti agnanayon nga awan ingganna.
9Kanayon nga agyamanak kenka, O Dios, gapu iti inaramidmo.
Itan-okkanto iti sango dagiti tattaom ket ipakdaarkonto ti kinaimbagmo.

Hymn of Praise: 302 Beauty for Brokenness



Ministry of Music or Congregational Hymn: 10 O JESUSCO A NAAYAT

Prayer for Peace

Scriptural Invitaion: Micah 6:8

8Saan! Inlawlawag kadakayo ti Apo no ania ti naimbag. Daytoy ti dawatenna kadatayo: aramidentayo ti nalinteg, ipakitatayo ti di agbalbaliw a panagayat, ken agtulnogtayo a sipapakumbaba iti Diostayo.

Light the Peace Candle.

Iti intayo panangikarkararag kadagiti wagas nu kasano a makaaramid tayo iti kinahustisiya, ayat ken kinaimbag, ken pannagna nga addaan kinapakumbaba, mangibalikas tayo kadagiti banbanag a mabalin tayo nga inayon iti tunggal paset wenno gundaway a nairanta iti intayo panagkararag.

Prayer leader should be prepared to add words and phrases to keep the prayer flowing. Be sure to pause a minimum of fifteen to thirty seconds to allow the congregation to participate.


Dios iti kinakappia, nangeganmi dagiti sinarsarita dagiti propeta ket kasatmi iti sumungbat kadagitoy. Agbalin kami kadi a kas mangagkakappia iti ingkami panangitrabaho iti kinahustisiya, iti sadinoman wenno kaano man, ken nu kasapulan. Itden tayo iti kinahustisiya kadagiti sitwasyon a…
Pause for participation.
Adda iti panagrang-ay iti kappia babaen iti panangipaay tayo iti ayat ken panangipakita iti kinaimbag a kas iti…
Pause for participation.
We Apomi O Dios, laglagipenmi iti pannagnami nga addaan kinapakumbaba iti sangwanam, gapu ta sika…
Pause for words of praise from congregation.
Iwanwannakami kadagiti wagas nga addaan kinahustisiya, kinaimbag, ken kinatalna, daytoy ti kararag ken dawatmi. Amen.

Focus Moment

Aramaten daytoy a gundaway a mangiladawan kadagiti naduma-duma a kita iti kinaawan hustisiya a kas iti nadakamat manipud iti libro ni Amos. Mangibingay kadagiti simple nga ehemplo a kas iti nakusit a pagsukatan wenno timbangan. Ipaay dagiti reaksiyon manipud kadagitoy nga ehemplo.

Message based on Amos 8:1-12

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture Reading

Humble yourselves and continue in prayer; cry to God when you are in your fields; over all your flocks; cry to God in your houses, over all your household, both morning, midday, and evening; cry to God against the power of your enemies; cry to God against the devil, who is an enemy to all righteousness.
Cry to God over the crops of your fields, that you may prosper in them: cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.

But this is not all: you must pour out your souls in your closets, and your secret places, and in your wilderness; and when you do not cry to the Lord, let your hearts be full, drawn out in prayer to God continually for your welfare, and also for the welfare of those who are around you.

Do not suppose that this is all; for after you have done all these things, if you turn away the needy, and the naked, and visit not the sick and afflicted, and impart of your substance to those who stand in need;
If you do not any of these things, your prayer is vain, and avails you nothing, and you are as hypocrites who do deny the faith…
—Alma 16:219-224a, adapted


Kakabsat, laglagipen tayo nga iti daytoy manen a paset iti intayo panangibingay kadagiti bendisyun ti Dios kadatayo, ipaayan tayo koma a kankanayon iti panangi-focus a dagiti puso tayo ket maiyannatupda iti puso ti Apo. Dagiti daton tayo ket addaan iti dakdakkel a pategda a saan laeng a tapno magun-od iti budget a pakasapulan iti iglesia, ngem ketdi dagitoy ket simbolo iti intayo panagyaman iti Dios nga isu iti pagtataudan dagiti isu-amin nga adda kadatayo.

Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes

Hymn of Commitment: “Let Justice Roll Like a River” CCS 288

Closing Prayer


* H Y M N S *


288 Let Justice Roll like a River

Let justice roll like a river,
and wash all oppression away;
come, O God, and take us, move and shake us,
come now, and make us anew,
that we might live justly like you.

How long shall we wait, O God,
for the day of your mercy to dawn,
the day we beat our swords into plows,
when your peace reigns over the earth?

Hear this, all of you who use the poor
in your thirst of power and riches:
the Lord will turn your laughter to tears,
on the wondrous day of our God.

Even now return to me,
let your hearts be broken and humble,
for I am gracious, gen’rous, and kind;
come and seek the mercies of God.

You have been told the way of life,
the way of justice and peace;
to act justly, to love gently,
and walk humbly with God.

(Sweet Galilee)

O Jesusco a naayat,
Biag intedmo gapu caniac,
An-annoec Kencat’ agsubad,
Inispalmo toy cararuac.

Idatonco Kenca toy biag,
Awatem cad’ cabaelac,
Aramidco isuronac,
Pagayatam agtungpalac.

Mannubbotco idalannac,
Sicat’ captac ti inaldaw,
Kenca Jesus agserviac,
Pagayatam isuronac.

Daytoy biagco napnot’ babac,
Kinadakes linemmesnac,
Ngem Jesusco inispalnac,
Iti basol a nadamsac.

Tured pigsa, itdem caniac,
Sulsulisog lacubennac,
No addaca diacto matnag,
Sicat’ talged ken canawac.

 302 Beauty for Brokenness

Beauty for brokenness,
hope for despair,
Lord, in your suff’ring world
this is our prayer:
bread for the children,
justice, joy, peace;
sunrise to sunset,
your kingdom increase!

God of the poor,
friend of the weak,
give us compassion we pray:
melt our cold hearts,
let tears fall like rain;
come, change our love
from a spark to a flame.

Shelter for fragile lives,
cures for their ills,
work for the craftsmen,
trade for their skills;
land for the dispossessed,
rights for the weak,
voices to plead the cause
of those who can’t speak.

Refuge from cruel wars,
havens from fear,
cities for sanctuary,
freedoms to share;
peace to the killing-fields,
scorched earth to green,
Christ for the bitterness,
his cross for the pain.

Rest for the ravaged earth,
oceans and streams
plundered and poisoned—
our future, our dreams.
Lord, end our madness,
carelessness, greed;
make us content with
the things that we need.

Lighten our darkness,
breathe on this flame
until your justice burns
brightly again;
until the nations
learn of your ways,
seek your salvation
and bring you their praise.

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