Sunday, December 10, 2023

Advent of Peace


10 December 2023

Second Sunday of Advent (Peace)

Mark 1:1-8

Advent of Peace


Additional Scriptures

Isaiah 40:1-11; Psalms 85:1-2, 8-13; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Doctrine and Covenants 162:7a


Advent Worship Setting

Create an arrangement of five candles as the focus. This can be in a wreath, mixed with greenery, or other decorations as space allows. Traditional colors for the candles are three purple, one pink (Joy), and one white (Christ); or choose your own colors. Each Sunday the previous candles are lit before the service starts, and one additional candle is lit during the lighting of the Advent Candle. The Christ candle is lit on Christmas Day. For a hybrid service, encourage those watching from home to create their own Advent setting.


The Focus Moment involves a narrator, the angel, Gabriel, Mary, and Joseph. This will take a bit of preparation, as Gabriel and Mary will be pantomiming what the narrator is reading. A large, gift-wrapped box, with the lid wrapped separately, will be used.


Outreach International has a free resource for Advent that could be used in place of the Focus Moment at




Carols of the Season

“Comfort, Comfort Now My People”                                                                        CCS 407

“I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day”                                                                       CCS 415




Call to Worship

            Isaiah 40:1-5


Lighting the Advent Candle of Peace        

Light the Hope candle from last week before the service starts.


Responsive Reading

In the spectacular and glorious colors of a brilliant sunrise, in the cheerful laughter or memory of a table full of friends or family, in a moment of intuition that turns on the light of discernment and leads us toward wisdom, we find the peace that passes all understanding. But there are things we need to think about, ideas we need to comprehend. May we be attuned to hear the stories of those who stumble and struggle to find peace.


Peace is what the prophets foretold. Peace is what is sacrificed when profit takes precedence.


In this second week of Advent, as the waiting and expectation heighten, our desire for peace deepens. Like the wise called to journey in those early dawning days, may we seek, endeavor, and search for peace. Like the prophets old and new, may we cry out for its coming.


All: We light a candle for peace. May it light the way.


Light a second candle.



Song of Peaceful Invitation                                                                                        CCS 75

                                    “Kum Ba Yah”

Piano and guitar accompaniment can be found free online.

                        Stanza 1: Kum Ba Yah

                        Stanza 2: Come by Here

                        Stanza 3: (We) Sing of Peace



Congregation’s Sung Response

            Sing “Come by Here” one more time.


Spiritual Practice: Breath Prayer

Today we will practice a breath prayer. I will guide you through every step, pausing to let you develop your prayer.

Place your feet flat on the floor. Sit as straight as is comfortable.


Pause after each instruction.


·         Place a hand on your abdomen. Feel your stomach move away from the spine as you inhale and feel it move toward the spine with the exhale.

·         With the next inhale, breathe peace into the body. With the next exhale, breathe stress out of the body.

·         Focus on your feet and ankles. With the next inhale, breathe peace into this area. With the exhale breathe out stress from this area.

·         Next come the calves and shins. Breathe peace into these areas. With the exhale breathe out stress from these areas.

·         Inhale peace into the knees and thighs. Exhale the stress.

·         Spend a few breaths focusing on the lower body, inhaling peace from the waist down. Exhale stress from the lower body.

·         Focus on the lower back and stomach: Inhale peace, exhale stress.

·         Spend three breaths inhaling peace and exhaling stress from every part of the body from the chest down.

·         Now focus on your chest, middle back, and upper back. See the peace and air traveling into the lungs and spreading all throughout this area. See the stress leave as you exhale.

·         Notice your fingers, hands, and wrists. Inhale peace. Exhale stress.

·         Notice your forearms and elbows. Inhale peace. Exhale stress.

·         Spend three breaths inhaling peace and exhaling stress from everywhere below the neck.

·         Notice your neck—all the way around. Inhale peace. Exhale stress.

·         Notice the area around the ears, and the back and top of your head. Inhale peace. Exhale stress.

·         Now focus on your face. Inhale peace. Exhale the stress.

·         Inhale peace. Let it spread throughout your body.

·         Exhale stress from every part of you. Spend three breaths focusing on your body.

·         One last time, inhale peace. Exhale stress.


Move directly into the Prayer for Peace.


Prayer for Peace

            Light the Peace Candle.



God of reconciliation and grace,
you promise us a world where all is new,
where love is born when hope is gone,
where broken relationships are restored to wholeness.

May we live as people who know your story of love,
and may we have the vision to imagine what could be possible if we dared to live this story.

God of abundant life,
may we be witnesses of love, hope, and peace,
and co-creators of the upside-down kin-dom for this world.



Hymn of Peace

                        “Peace Child”                                                                                                 CCS 402

OR “O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace”                                                  CCS 316

OR “Peace Salaam Shalom”                                                                           CCS 310

Encourage participants to sing in languages other than their own.


Focus Moment: “What Is on God’s Christmas List?”

Cast: Narrator, Gabriel, and Mary

Preparation: On the worship center is a large gift-wrapped box (wrap the lid separately)


Gabriel is on the rostrum. While the narrator reads the text below, Mary enters. She and Gabriel pantomime the reading together.


Narrator:       This story began when I was sent to tell Mary she had been selected to be the mother of a special baby. I said, “Mary, you’ve been chosen to give birth to God’s Son.” She was really surprised and wondered what was going on. “Me? I’m so young! I’ve never been a mother before!” But I reassured her she shouldn’t be afraid—that everything would be OK. I told her she was to name the baby boy, “Jesus.” Mary replied, “I will do as God pleases, for I am God’s servant. God can use me in this special way. This will be my gift to God.”


Gabriel and Mary freeze while the narrator discusses this portion of the Christmas story.

·         Why do you think God sent Gabriel to Mary?

·         Put yourselves in Mary’s place. What do you think she is feeling?

·         Mary accepts and agrees to what Gabriel has spoken. What do you think gave her the courage?


Then Gabriel and Mary resume their pantomime while the narrator reads the final paragraph.


Narrator:       So, what do you think is on God’s Christmas list? What would God want for Christmas? It’s in that big box, but we can’t look yet! I’m sure it’s really great, but we have to wait…

                                                —Herald House Scripture-Based Focus Moments, adapted



Hymn of Waiting

            “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”                                                                                 CCS 394

            OR “God Almighty, We Are Waiting”                                                                      CCS 397


Morning Message

            Based on Mark 1:1-8

            OR Video

A “Witness the Word” sermon, based on Mark 1:1-8, by Emily Penrose McLaughlin, is available at and digital-media-witness-the-word/products/witness-the-word-following-christs-footsteps-mp4-video-download.


Disciples’ Generous Response

            Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 162: 7a-b



We are called to share our bounty so that others might know the joy of God’s kingdom. We look outside the walls of this building, the walls of our homes, the walls of our screens, the walls we build to protect us from things we are afraid of. The needs of people in our own neighborhoods, our own cities, and around the world are great. People yearn to feel God’s peace. How will you make a difference this Advent season?


During the Disciples’ Generous Response, we focus on aligning our heart with God’s heart. Our offerings are more than meeting budgets or funding mission. Through our offerings we can join in making God’s work visible in the world.


As we share our mission tithes either by placing money in the plates or through eTithing, use this time to thank God for the many gifts received in life. Our hearts grow aligned with God’s when we gratefully receive and faithfully respond by living Christ’s mission.


If your congregation is meeting online, remind participants they can give through or through (consider showing these URLs on screen).


Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes


Closing Hymn                       

                        “Blessed Be the God of Israel”                                                                       CCS 396

                        OR “Canticle of the Turning”                                                                         CCS 404

                        OR “O Little Town of Bethlehem”                                                                 CCS 434





Saturday, December 2, 2023

First Sunday of Advent (Hope)


Advent of Hope


Additional Scriptures

Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalms 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9, Doctrine and Covenants 153:9


            “God Almighty, We Are Waiting”                                                                 CCS 397

“Angels, from the Realms of Glory”                                                              CCS 436


Call to Worship 1 Corinthians 1:4-7            

4Kanayon nga agyamanak iti Diosko para kadakayo gapu iti parabur nga intedna kadakayo babaen ken ni Cristo Jesus. 5Ta iti pannakikaysayo ken ni Cristo, napabaknangkayo iti isuamin a parabur agraman ti panagsao ken kinasirib. 6Naipasagepsepen kadakayo ti mensahe maipapan ken ni Cristo, 7isut' gapuna a dikayo agkurang iti naespirituan a sagut bayat ti panagurayyo iti pannakaiparangarang ni Apotayo a Jesu-Cristo.


Iti intayo panagur-uray ti kenni Jesus a sagot, intayo agdaydayaw babaen iti inanama.


Hymn: 178 O NAMNAMA




Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.



O Apo, denggemkadi toy kararagmi nga agpaay kadagiti tattao ken nasyon nga agkasapulan unay.
Kadagiti tattao a tinalawanda dagiti am-aminda tapno laeng makaliklikda kadagiti peggad.
kadagiti naawanan kadagiti ipatpateg iti biag,
kadagiti nasinga ti bibiagda, nagsardeng iti panagadalna, ken nasina-sina a pampamilya.
O Apo, itdemkadi iti bendisyunmo iti kinakappia kadagiti tattaom.


Agyamankami kadagiti panaggiginnayyem dagiti agkakarruba,
kadagiti kinasayaat dagiti gangannaet,
kadagiti nangidaton kadagiti bagbagida tapno tumulong kadagiti sabsabali,
kadagiti naglaksid iti panagulimek iti panangsango iti kinaawan ti hustisiya.
O Apo, itdemkadi iti bendisyunmo iti kinakappia kadagiti tattaom.


Apo, ipaayam kadi iti inanama dagiti tattaom ditoy lubong,
a maipaay iti kinakappia ken kinahustisiya iti inaldaw,
nga adda baro bigat kadagiti amin a tattao,
nga adda waya-waya a mangsukat iti panagbuteng, ken adda iti nasay-sayaat a sumaruno a bigat.
O Apo, itdemkadi iti bendisyunmo iti kinakappia kadagiti tattaom. Amen.


Scripture Reading: Mark 13:24-37


Hymn of Hope: “He Came Singing Love”    CCS 226


Scripture Exploration: Based on Mark 13:24-37


Focus Moment: “What Is on God’s Christmas List?”

Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

            Scripture Reading

1 Corinthians 11:23–26

23Ta inawatko iti Apo ti pannursuro nga inyawatko met kadakayo: Iti rabii a pannakaliput ni Apo Jesus, innalana ti tinapay. 24Kalpasan ti panagyamanna iti Dios, pinispisina ti tinapay ket kinunana, “Daytoy ti bagik nga agpaay kadakayo. Aramidenyo daytoy a panglaglagipyo kaniak.”

25Kasta met a kalpasan ti pangrabii, innala ni Jesus ti kopa ket kinunana, “Daytoy ti kopa ti baro a tulag a napatalgedan babaen iti darak. Tunggal uminumkayo iti daytoy, aramidenyo a panglagip kaniak.” 26Kaipapananna daytoy a tunggal mangankayo iti daytoy a tinapay ken uminumkayo iti daytoy a kopa, ipakaammoyo ti ipapatay ti Apo agingga iti panagsublina.

Communion Talk

Hymn of Preparation: 141  ITI DAYDI A RABII


Invitation to Communion

Blessing and Serving of the Bread and Wine

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 163:9
Faithful disciples respond to an increasing awareness of the abundant generosity of God by sharing according to the desires of their hearts; not by commandment or constraint. Break free of the shackles of conventional culture that mainly promote self-serving interests. Give generously according to your true capacity. Eternal joy and peace await those who grow in the grace of generosity that flows from compassionate hearts without thought of return. Could it be otherwise in the domain of God, who eternally gives all for the sake of creation?


Ti focus iti Disciples’ Generous Response tayo iti tunggal umuna dominggo ket iti Abolish Poverty, End Suffering, a pakairamanan iti oblation ministry tayo.

Ket ita, ipaayantayo iti focus iti panangiyannatup tayo kadagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket ad-adda a napatpategda pay a saan laeng a tapno magun-od tayo iti budget iti iglesia nga agpaay iti misyona. Babaen kadagiti datontayo mabalintayo iti makipaset iti pannakaaramid a makitakoma iti aramid ti Diyos ditoy lubong.

Usarentayo koma ngarud daytoy a gundaway tapno agyaman iti Dios gapu kadagiti sagotna iti bibiag iti tunggal maysa kadatayo. Ad-addapay iti panagrang-ay dagiti puspusotayo no maiyannatup iti Dios ken no siyayamantayo kadagiti paraburna ken sipupudnotayo nga sumungbat babaen iti panangibiagtayo iti misyon ni Kristo.


Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes


 Hymn: 73 YEG MOt’ INANIM







(Whispering Hope)

Aniat sam-it timecna,
Ni nabiag namnama,
Puso ti liwliwaenna,
Cadagiti saona,
Agurayca ta lumabas,
Ti bagyo a napeggad,
Umasidegen ti bigat,
Namnama a naragsac.

O namnama, nasam-it timecmo,
Paragsakem toy ricna ken puso.

O namnama a nagasat,
Nagsam-iten caniac timecmo,
Paragsakem dayton riknac,
Daytoy biag, ken daytoy met puso.

No cas adayo la unay,
Ti lawag a makitam,
Dica agbuteng ta umay,
Pudno a namnamaam,
Agurayca dita yanmo,
Ibaonto ti Apo,
Ti rabii lumabasto ,
Ket bigat sumucatto.


O naragsacton nga aldaw,
Ti panagbiag diay gloria,
Awan ladingit ken liday,
Ragsac laeng ti adda,
Makitamton ti sagotna,
Ni Jesus a nangina,
Kinabacnang awan pada,
Inggana ti inggana.

226 He Came Singing Love

He came singing love
and he lived singing love;
he died singing love.
He arose in silence.
For the love to go on
we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.

He came singing faith
and he lived singing faith;
he died singing faith.
He arose in silence.
For the faith to go on
we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.

He came singing hope
and he lived singing hope;
he died singing hope.
He arose in silence.
For the hope to go on
we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.

He came singing peace
and he lived singing peace;
he died singing peace.
He arose in silence.
For the peace to go on
we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.


Bukelmot’ imulam uray no agsapa,
Iti tengngat aldaw wenno rabii,
Umay panagani ket mangnamnamaca,
Agragsaccanto no yegmot’ inanim.

Yegmot’ inanim, yegmot’ inanim,
Ragsacmontot’ adu inton iyegmo,
Yegmot’ inanim, yegmot’ inanim,
Ragsacmontot’ adu inton iyegmo.

Imulam bukelmo uray aniat’ tiempo,
Dica agdanag ta isut’ tumubo,
Agawidtay’ ton ta malpasen trabaho,
Agragsaccanto no yegmot’ binettecmo.

Ti mapan agmula a silaladingit,
Ken bannugnat’ mabuyugan sangsangit,
Inton agawiden dakkel ti ragsacna,
Ta yegna ken Jesus ti inanina.

(The Last Supper)

Iti daydi rabii,
Panangtiliwda kencuana,
Anac ti Dios naasi,
Nga inyawat di gayyemna.

Casangoananna la unay,
Nangala iti tinapay,
Nagyaman ket pinisina,
Ket castoy ti insawangna.

Datoy ti bagic canenyo,
Napisi gaput’ basolyo,
Toy darac met bingbingayenyo,
Tanda’t tulag a baro.

Ket daytoy aramidenyo,
Ta pataycot’ lagipenyo,
Iti gimong isipenyo,
Ti ayatco cadacayo.

Jesus, fiestam rambacanmi,
Naganmo icancantami,
Aginggat dica agsubli,
A mangala cadacami.


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