Friday, October 27, 2023

Ania Iti Naimbag A Damag Nga Agtaud Kenka?


What Is Your Gospel Message?


Hymn of Gathering: 226 He Came Singing Love


Call to Worship: Psalm 90:1-2

1Sika, O Apo, ti nagkamanganmi iti amin a kaputotan. 2Sakbay a pinarsuam dagiti bantay, wenno ti panangpaaddam iti lubong, agnanayonkan a Dios, wen, Dios iti awan inggana.





Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle. Ring bell/chime and pause.


Kappia koma ditoy daga…

Ket sapay koma nga aggapu ken mangrugi daytoy manipud kadagiti sidadaan ken situtured a mangipaay iti ayatda.

Ring chime and pause.

Kappia koma ditoy daga…

Ket sapay koma nga aggapu ken mangrugi daytoy manipud kadagiti komunidad nga addaan dedikasyon iti panangisayangkat  iti kappia ken hustisiya.

Ring chime and pause.

Magnakami koma a sangsangkamaysa…

Ket sapay koma nga aglawagkami babaen Kenka kadagiti paset ti lubong a nasipnget.

Ring chime and pause.

Daytoy a kappia mangrugi koma kadakami…

Ket daytoy koma iti gundaway a mabalinmi iti magna iti baro a dalan iti pannakaagas ken panagkikinnaawatan

Ring chime and pause.


All Saints’ Day


Iti daytoy a dominggo, inton November 1 iti kalendaryo ti Kristiano ket isu iti “All Saints Day”. Kayat tayo nga iti daytoy a gundaway intayo laglagipen dagiti gagayyem ken kakabsat tayo nga immun-unan kadatayo nga addada itan nga agin-inana manipud kadagiti trabahoda nga ita addadan iti ayat ti Dios. Saan laeng nga basta intayo lagipen ida, ngem ketdi kayat a bigbigen dagidiay a nakipanpannagna kadatayo iti intayo panagdalyasat nga agturong iti natalna a pagarian.

            Hymn of the Saints: 78 AGSASARAC TAY’ TO SADIAY



Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8


Ministry of Music or Congregational Hymn


Message: Based on 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8

Disciples’ Generous Response


Ti kinaparabur ti Dios ket makita kadagiti nagpipintas a panagsingising ti init, kadagiti dalluyon iti igid ti baybay, kadagiti kaiyanak a maladaga, kadagiti saniweng a sumagid kadagiti kararua. Ngem uray kadagiti nagsisimple a banbanag makita met laeng iti kinaparabur ti Dios, a kas kadagiti tugtugaw nga intayo  nagtugawan ita, kadagiti arwatentayo ken dadduma pay. Kitaen tayo koma ngarud dagiti banbanag nga inawattayo manipud Kenkuana ket ammoentayo no ania iti mabalin a pakausaran dagitoy nga agserbi iti pagayatan ti Dios nga isu iti sirmatana kadagiti amin a naparsua.



Maawis tayo a mangibingay kadagiti kapanunotan wenno kayat tayo a saritaen maipapan iti kinarapabur ti Dios kadatayo.


Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 165:2b

Listen to the testimonies of those responding generously. Follow your soul’s yearning to come home to God’s grace and generosity. Let gratitude show you the way.


Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

Hymn of Renewal: “Spirit of the Living God” sing several times CCS 567

Pastoral Prayer

Sending Forth: Doctrine and Covenants 161:1b, starting with, “Be faithful….”

Be faithful to the spirit of the Restoration, mindful that it is a spirit of adventure, openness, and searching. Walk proudly and with a quickened step. Be a joyful people. Laugh and play and sing, embodying the hope and freedom of the gospel.


(The Eastherd Gate)

1 Amangan a nagrambacto,
Panagsubli ti Apo,
Angeles makipag rag-o,
Matalec a sasanto.

Agsasaractay’to sadiay,
Diay ruangan Jerusalem a ciudad,
Inton ti mannubbot umay,
Mangala cadagiti sasantosna.

2 Naraniag dayta nga aldaw,
Addatay’to met idiay,
Siraragsac mangidayaw,
Ken Jesus nga Aritay’

3 Evangeliot’ silulucat,
Agrikep di agbayag,
Gundaway yon ti agtukiad,
Saanton madamdama.

4 Cabsatco dica agtactac
Agsagana siannad,
No saanmo a tulnogen,
Dusanto ti lac-amem.

226 He Came Singing Love


He came singing love

and he lived singing love;

he died singing love.

He arose in silence.

For the love to go on

we must make it our song;

you and I be the singers.


He came singing faith

and he lived singing faith;

he died singing faith.

He arose in silence.

For the faith to go on

we must make it our song;

you and I be the singers.


He came singing hope

and he lived singing hope;

he died singing hope.

He arose in silence.

For the hope to go on

we must make it our song;

you and I be the singers.


He came singing peace

and he lived singing peace;

he died singing peace.

He arose in silence.

For the peace to go on

we must make it our song;

you and I be the singers.



(Whosoever Will)


Timec ti Apo incam mangngegan,

Yegnat’ damag pacaisalacanan,

Ditay’ ngad’ agtactac a mangipuccaw,

Uray sinoman umay.



Sinoman a macangngeg timecna,

Naimbag a damag ti isacnapna,

Ti naayat nga Ama iyaw-awagna,

Uray sino man umay.


Ibagana nga awan agtactac,

Itatta ta ti ruangan silulucat,

Ni Jesus agdama nga umaw-awag.,

Uray sinoman mayat.


Incarina a dina baybay-an,

Uray sinoman kencuana cumamang,

Biag agnanayon innanto icutan,

Uray sino man umay.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Agdinamag Koma Iti Pammatiyo


Make Your Faith Known
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Exodus 33:12-23; Psalm 99; Matthew 22:15-22; Doctrine and Covenants 163:3a





Call to Worship: Psalm 99:9

Itan-okyo ti Apo a Diostayo; agdaydayawkayo idiay nasantoan a turodna! Nasantoan ti Apo a Diostayo!

Hymn of Invitation to Worship: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! CCS 52



Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.

Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 163:3a

You are called to create pathways in the world for peace in Christ to be relationally and culturally incarnate. The hope of Zion is realized when the vision of Christ is embodied in communities of generosity, justice, and peacefulness.


Managparabur ken managayat,  Diosmi a nailangitan,

Addakami ita iti daytoy a lugar ken gundaway tapno dumawat ti sirib ken panangidalanmo kadakami iti panangipakaammomi iti napnoan parabur a panagpammatimi ken kasta met iti panagtalekmi kenka. Nupay ammomi a narigat daytoy nga aramiden.

Masansan nga adu dagiti banbanag a mangigawgawid kadakami iti agduduma a direksiyon tapno agtrabaho, kas iti pamilya, panaki-ay-ayam, panagensayo, meetings, ken dadduma pay. Dagitoy ket masansan a mangted kadakami iti pannakariro no anya a talaga iti goal mi wenno kayatmi a ragpaten. Ket adu dagiti gundaway a maiyaw-awan kami kadagiti daldalanmi nga uray dagiti aramidmi ket saandan a maiyannatup Kenka.

Idaw-dawatmi iti panangidalan koma iti nabileg nga Espiritum ket mariknami koma daytoy a kankanayon ket aglawagka babaen kadakami. Sapay kadi a babaen kadagiti pannubok ken rag-o ket mabalinmi iti agtultuloy kadagiti panagpammatimi ket paneknekanmi iti kinaparaburmo iti daytoy a lubong.

Iti determinasyon ken inanamami, Amen. 

- Brinna Kolitz, used with permission

Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Message Based on 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

Ministry of Music or Hymn of Response

Disciples’ Generous Response

          The Generosity Cycle

Iti daytoy a dominggo isu iti rugi iti Generosity Cycle. Kadagitoy a gundaway, ti focus tayo ket maipapan kadagiti uppat a paset iti Generosity Cycle nga isu dagiti: Invite, Discover, Respond and Reflect. Iti daytoy a gundaway ket isu iti intayo pananglaglagip kasta unay a kinaparabur ti Dios, ket makita tayo koma iti naun-uneg pay a kinarag-o iti panagbalintayo nga adalan a mangibibiag iti misyon ni Kristo, ket ti sungbat tayo ket isu iti tungpal biag a panangaywan babaen iti maysa nga intensiyunal a panangpanpanunot iti intayo panagdalyasat kas naparabur nga adalan.

Iti intayo panangaramid iti daytoy a kas paset iti intayo panagdalyasat, aramiden tayo koma babaen iti silulukat nga espritu ken panangammo. Ti parabur ti Dios narruay, ket sangsangkamaysa tayo a mangammo no sadino iti sumaruno a pangiturunganna kadatayo!

Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

Hymn of Making Our Faith Known: “We Are a Family of Faith” CCS 350

Prayer and Benediction

Sending Forth

Agbalin kayo koma a tattao nga addaan iti naan-anay panangibagiyo iti naimbag a damag. Makita koma iti panagayat ti Dios kadakayo iti daytoy napnoan misteryo a biagyo. Saankayo koma nga agbuteng. Uray pay iti kabassitan a lawag mabalinna a lawagan ti saan a makita a dalan. Agdinamag koma iti pammatiyo ket ibingayyo ti lawag ken ti presesiya ni Kristo makita koma babaen kadakayo!


350 We Are a Family of Faith

We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should stumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

We are a family of faith;
we have a mission that’s clear:
to praise our Savior’s name.
We help build Zion here.
And we seek peace between the nations,
love between us all;
Community of Christ is our call.

We are a family of faith
and we look forward to the day
we see our Savior’s face,
he wipes our tears away,
and all the saints of every nation
rise to die no more:
Community of Christ evermore!


We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should stumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

52 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,
casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
which wert and art, and evermore shalt be.

Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,
though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may not see,
only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
perfect in power, in love and purity.

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

(For the beauty of the earth)

 Ti kinasantac toy daga,
Ti raniag idiay langit,
Ti sayangguseng ti aldaw,
Ti talna ti rabii,
Toy lubong a napintas,
Apo Dios agyamancam’,

 Ti kinadungngo ti balay,
Nagannac ken cacabsat,
Gangannaet ken gagayyem,
Ti panagsisinnakit,
Ti ayat ti panagbiag,
Apo Dios agyamancam,

Ti bunggoy a nacristianuan,
Surutenna ni Jesus,
Ti cararua pasantoenna,
Tapno maitantan-oc,
Nagballigit’ Iglesiam,
Apo Dios agyamancam’.

 Ti capatgan a sagotmo, O Dios,
Sica met laeng,
Ti nainsiriban nga ayatmo,
Maiparang ken Jesus,
Bendicion a nawadwad,
Apo Dios agyamancam’,

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