Saturday, September 16, 2023

We Belong to God

Kukuanatayo Ti Apo

Additional Scriptures:
Exodus 14:19-31, Psalm 114, Matthew 18:21-35, Doctrine and Covenants 163:10



Call to Worship: Psalm 114




Prayer for Peace
Light the Peace Candle.
Oh Apomi a Namarsua,
Adtoy ket umaykami koma iti presensiyam. Ammomi nga addaka a kankanayon ditoy; ngem masapul a wayaanmi dagiti makasinga kadakami tapno mapadasanmi koma iti agtaeng iti presensiyam.
Nomanpay sarsaritaenmi iti kappia, ngem no mainsan saanmi unay maawatan iti kayatna a sawen daytoy; mabalin a gapu ta saanmi nga ikagkagumaan iti panangaramid iti daytoy wenno saan a paset daytoy iti kababalinmi.
Ngem no addakami met iti presensiyam, mariknami iti kappia a kalkalikagumanmi nga isu koma iti adda iti aglawlawmi ken kadagiti ay-ayatenmi. Ket gapu iti daytoy nga ingkami marikrikna, isu a kayatmi koma nga ammoen no kasano daytoy a mapaspasamak wenno pagtataudanna daytoy. Ket kayatmi koma nga aramiden daytoy kadagiti sabsabali; mabalin a saanmin a malagip no kasano kaadu dagiti masapul nga ibbatanmi no kayatmi iti agtalinaed iti presensiyam. Masansan a saandaka nga ibibiang gapu iti panangipangpangrunami ti bukodmi a pannakaawat iti kappia.
Ket ita, adtoykami tapno idawdawatmi iti kinakappia. Masapulmi iti paraburmo tapno maawatanmi koma iti kaipapanan iti kappia ken mabalinmi koma nga ibiag daytoy.
Agyamankami iti kaaddam kadakami, Amen.
-Pamela Carr, used with permission

Hymn of Journey: “When We Are Living/Pues si vivimos” CCS 242/243

Focus Moment
Invite participants to share their stories of being part of Community of Christ. What is most important to them about Community of Christ? What experience(s) have they had that helped them know they belong to God? This can be facilitated in the large group or by dividing into small groups or pairs.

Disciples’ Generous Response
Ti kinaparabur ket paseten ti pakasaritaan tayo a sasantos. Imbiag daytoy ni Joseph Smith III ken kasata met iti Kinapateg iti Tunggal tao, ket uray dagiti adda a nakimaymaysa iti pannakabuangay ulit iti iglesia. Kadagiti naglabas addatayo latta a mangipapaay iti tulong, ket agtultuloy iti kinaparaburtayo agingga kadagitoy a panawen agtultuloy iti panagbalintayo modelo iti kinaparabur agingga iti masangwanan.

Iti daytoy a paset iti Disciples’ Generous Response, i-focus tayo koma iti panangiyannatup tayo kadagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket napategda a saan laeng a tapno magun-od tayo iti budget nga agpaay iti misyon ti iglesia. Dagitoy ket simbolo iti namateryalan a panagyaman tayo iti Dios nga isu iti mangipapaay iti amin kadatayo.

Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

Hymn of Generosity: 10 O JESUSCO A NAAYAT

Scripture Reading: Romans 14:1-12

Ministry of Music or Congregational Hymn

Message: Based on Romans 14:1-12


Closing Prayer and Benediction


* H Y M N S *
(Lily Of The Valley)

Ni Jesus ti pudno a gayyem masaracac,
Cadagiti rinibo a napintas,
Isu laeng ti ay-ayaten ti cararuac,
Isut’ maysa a lirio idiay tay-ac,
No dumteng ti ladingit isu ti liwliwac,
No adda riribuc isut’ captac.

Isu’t maysa a lirio nga agtubo iti tay-ac,
Awan mangatiw kencuana ti pintas.

Amin a ladingitco ken amin nga liday,
Amin kaniac inna ida kineltay,
Nu umay ti sulisog isut’ pagcamangac,
Gapu kencuana amin binaybay-ac,
Dagiti ina-ayat idi ti cararuac,
Ket itan canayon aywanannac.

Isu dinacto baybay-an ditoy a mabati,
Agbiagac kencuana iti pammati,
Ta ar-aramidec met pagay-ayatanna,
Awan ngarud ti cabutengco ita,
Bussogennat’ mana ti mawaw a cararua,
Diay Gloria makitaktot’ rupana.

(Sweet Galilee)

O Jesusco a naayat,
Biag intedmo gapu caniac,
An-annoec Kencat’ agsubad,
Inispalmo toy cararuac.

Idatonco Kenca toy biag,
Awatem cad’ cabaelac,
Aramidco isuronac,
Pagayatam agtungpalac.

Mannubbotco idalannac,
Sicat’ captac ti inaldaw,
Kenca Jesus agserviac,
Pagayatam isuronac.

Daytoy biagco napnot’ babac,
Kinadakes linemmesnac,
Ngem Jesusco inispalnac,
Iti basol a nadamsac.

Tured pigsa, itdem caniac,
Sulsulisog lacubennac,
No addaca diacto matnag,
Sicat’ talged ken canawac.

242 When We Are Living
Pues si vivimos

When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus,
and when we’re dying, it is in the Lord.
Both in our living and in our dying,
we belong to God, we belong to God.

God sent Christ Jesus to be our shalom,
to show us mercy and healing love.
So in our living and in our dying,
Christ is our shalom, Christ is our shalom.

To pain and sorrow Christ brings shalom.
In peace and justice Christ brings shalom.
So when we’re living the ways of Jesus,
we are God’s shalom, we are God’s shalom.

Shalom to you, now; shalom, my friends.
May God’s full mercies bless you, my friends.
In all your living and through your loving,
Christ be your shalom, Christ be your shalom.


I will sing of my Redeemer,
And His wondrous love to me,
On the cruel cross He suffered,
from the curse to set me free.

Sing, O sing…..of my Redeemer!
With His blood He purchased me,
On the cross…..he sealed my pardon,
Paid the debt and made me free.

I will tell the wondrous story,
How my lost estate to save,
In His boundless love and mercy,
He the ransom freely gave.

I will sing of my Redeemer,
And his heav’nly love to me,
He from death to life hath brought me,
Son of God with Him to be.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Love Your Neighbor

 Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 149; Matthew 18:15-20; Mosiah 11:16, 152-156



Gathering Hymn: 77 UMAY KAYO AMIN

Call to Worship Responsive Reading

Leader: Kantaanyo ti Apo iti baro a kanta; Agragsakka, Israel, gapu iti Namarsua kenka; agrag-okayo, tattao ti Sion, gapu iti ariyo!

All: Madaydayaw ti Apo!

Leader: Agsasalakayo a mangidaydayaw kenkuana; agtambor ken agtokarkayo iti arpa.

All: Madaydayaw ti Apo!

Leader: Agragsak koma dagiti tattao ti Dios iti balligida!

All: Madaydayaw ti Apo!

-Psalm 149:1-6, adapted

Hymn of Praise: “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!” CCS 52



Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.

Scripture Reading

Insuro ni Alma a masapul nga ayatenda dagiti kaarrubada a kas iti bagbagida; nga awan koma iti saanda a pagkikinnaawatan.

Impaulog met ni Ari Mosias iti entero a daga nga adda koma pannakapada-pada iti amin; ket saanda koma nga ipalubos a mariribukda gapu iti pride wenno kinapannakkel; agpipinnapigsada koma a agkakaarruba; ipaayda ti suportada iti tunggal maysa; agaramid kadagiti banbanag a makaparang-ay babaen iti grasya ti Dios.

Ket iti dayta maaddanto iti kappia iti daga…

- Mosiah 11:16, 152-156a, adapted


Naayat ken Nailangitan A Namarsua,

Paluknengem kadi dagiti puspusomi bayat iti ingkami panagdengngeg iti inaldaw. Idalannakami no kasano iti isusurotmi kadagiti dalan Mo. Tulungannakami a maparang-ay iti ayatmi iti tunggal maysa, nangruna kadagiti tunggal kararrua nga ingkami masarakan. Agasannakami kadi babaen iti paraburmo ket ket babaen iti sibibiag a naganmo mabalinmi nga ipaay iti kappia, Amen.

-Dawn Adams, used with permission

Scripture Reading: Romans 13:8-14

Hymn of Reflection: “Take the Path of the Disciple” CCS 558

Message: Based on Romans 13:8-14

Disciples’ Generous Response


Ti mission statement ti iglesia ket kunana: “We proclaim Jesus Christ and Promote Communities of Joy, Hope, Love and Peace.” Maysa a wagas iti panangaramid iti daytoy ket isu iti panangi pasdek iti maysa a komunidad a naka-sentro iti hustisiya ken kinakappia ni Jesu-Kristo. Iti panangipaay iti ayat iti kaarruba ken kasta met iti panangipaaytayo a sipaparabur kadagiti pakasapulanda ket maysa a panangipakita iti commitment tayo a mangbilbilang iti kinapateg iti tunggal tao.

Ket ita, iti daytoy a paset iti Disciples Generous Response tayo, maawis tayo tapno ipaayan tayo iti focus iti intayo panangiyannatup kadagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket napateg a saan laeng a tapno magun-od tayo iti budget ti iglesia, ngem ketdi dagitoy ket simbolo iti namateryalan a panagyaman tayo iti Dios.

Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

Hymn of Neighbors: “We Are a Family of Faith”

Closing Prayer


558 Take the Path of the Disciple

Called by God to make the journey
in community, with Christ,
learning, sharing, reconciling,
seeking justice, peace, and light.

Take the path of the disciple,
join the journey to new life!
Seek the ways that God would lead us,
the community of Christ.

Though the way will not be easy,
and we sometimes feel alone,
breaking bread, our eyes are opened,
and we meet Christ on the road.

On the path we go together,
let the Spirit gently lead.
We proclaim Jesus as Savior
and find joy, hope, love, and peace!

52 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

 Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee,
casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
which wert and art, and evermore shalt be.

Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,
though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may not see,
only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
perfect in power, in love and purity.

 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea;
Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

(Come Ye That Love The Lord)

Umaycayo amin,
Nga agayat ti Dios,
Agkantatay’ agtutunos,
Panagdaydayaw ken Jesus,
Trononat’ nalibnos.

Dalan agturong ‘diay ngato,
Diay Sion ayan ti Dios Apo,
Pacasaran ti rag-o.

Adu a tattao,
Dida ammot’ Apo,
Ngem dacay a macaammo
Naganna iracuracyo,
Buyuganyot’ rag-o,
Buyuganyot’ rag-o.

Uray payen ita,
A ditay pay dimteng,
Idiay daga namayengmeng,
Mabalinen a say-upen
Ti ayamuomna,
Ti Gloria a taeng.

Ditay’ ngad’ mamingga,
A mangicancanta,
Nagan ni Jesus nangina,
Rigrigat lipaten ida,
Inton madamdama,
Sumrectay’ diay Gloria.

350 We Are a Family of Faith

We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should stumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

We are a family of faith;
we have a mission that’s clear:
to praise our Savior’s name.
We help build Zion here.
And we seek peace between the nations,
love between us all;
Community of Christ is our call.

We are a family of faith
and we look forward to the day
we see our Savior’s face,
he wipes our tears away,
and all the saints of every nation
rise to die no more:
Community of Christ evermore!

We are a family of faith;
we have a Savior who’s kind.
We lift each other up.
We leave no one behind,
and if the least of us should stumble,
we all feel the pain:
Community of Christ is our name.

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