Saturday, September 17, 2022

Practice Faithful Stewardship


Gathering Hymn: 73 As We Gather


Call to Worship
Scripture of Praise and Thanksgiving
           Psalm 100

'Kantaanyo ti Apo , dakay amin nga agnaed iti daga! Agdaydayawkayo a siraragsak kenkuana! Inkay iti sangoananna iti naragsak a kanta! Bigbigenyo a ti Apo ket Dios. Isu ti namarsua kadatayo, ket kukuanatayo. Wen, tattaonatayo, ket datayo ti arbanna. Sumrekkay a napnoan iti panagyaman iti templona. Agdaydayawkayo a mapan iti santuariona! Agyamankayo kenkuana; itan-okyo ti naganna! Ta naimbag ti Apo ket agnanayon awan inggana ti ayatna. Agnanayon ti kinapudnona.'

Hymn of Praise: 53 NAGAN NI JESUS NASAM-IT



Prayer of Peace

Light the Peace Candle.

Dios iti kangatoan, ita nga aldaw makikaykaysa kami kadagiti nailangitan ken naidagaan iti panangidaydyaw Kenka. Agrag-o kami gapu iti kinapintas toy daga, gapu iti ayat kadagiti tattao, kappia met ditoy daga, kadagiti tunggal sagot manipud ngato, tunggal sabsabong, ken ti tunggal aldaw. Sapaykadi ta awatem datoy nga ingkami panagdaydayaw kenka. Babaen iti kappia ni Jesu-Kristo inikkannakami iti waya-waya tapno agrambak. Dagiti ispiritumi ket addada a natalna iti ingkami pannakarikna iti kaadda iti Ispiritum iti aglawlawmi. Addaan kami iti inanama uray iti tengnga iti kinariro, nga uray kadagiti bibiagmi ket adda dagiti pannubok nga ingkami sangwen. Apomi a Dios iti kinaanus, pakawanen ken awatem kadi iti kinaawan an-anusmi. Ikannakami iti talna kadagiti panpanunotmi. Tulungannakami a mangsapul iti kinakappiam. Iti nagan ni Jesu, Amen.

Song of Praise: “For the Beauty of the Earth”, CCS 130

Scripture Reading: Luke 16:1-13

Ministry of Music or Congregational Hymn

Message Based on Luke 16:1-13

Disciples’ Generous Response

Hymn of Generosity: “Take My Gifts and Let Us Love You”, CCS 609

Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 165:2b

Dumngeg kadagiti testimonyo dagiti nabulos iti panangipaayda. Surutenyo iti panagduyus ti kararruayo nga agsubli iti grasya ken kinaparabur ti Dios. Palubusanyo nga iti panagyamanyo ket isu iti mangidalan.


Iti paset ti Disciples’ Generous Response tayo, ipaayan tayo iti focus iti intayo panangiyannatup kadagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket napatpateg pay ngem itayo pannakabukel iti budget ti Iglesia tayo nga agpaay iti misyon na. Babaen kadagiti daton tayo ket mabalin tayo nga maipakita iti Dios ti namateryalan nga intayo panagyaman kenkuana nga isu iti pagtataudan iti isu-amin nga adda kadatayo.

Usarentayo koma ngarud daytoy a gundaway tapno agyaman iti Dios gapu kadagiti adu sagot ken paraburna kadatayo. Ad-adda a rumangrang-ay dagiti puspusotayo nu addatayo a siyayaman kenkuan ken nu napudno tayo iti intayo panangibiag iti misyon ni Kristo.

Closing Hymn: ”The Spirit of God like a Fire Is Burning”, CCS 384

Prayer & Benediction




73 As We Gather

As we gather, may your Spirit work within us.
As we gather, may we glorify your name.
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship,
we’ll be blessed because we came,
we’ll be blessed because we came.

(The Name of Jesus Is So Sweet )

Nagan ni Jesus nasam-it,
Ayatec nga iyul-ulit;
An-anayenna ti rag-oc,
Ti naganna a Jesus.

“Jesus,” oh nagsam-iten!
“Jesus,” di agbalbaliw;
“Jesus,” dayaw sasantos,
Idayaw awan gibos.

Ayatec nagan ni Jesus,
Makipagrikna ti tuoc,
Papanawennat’ ririboc,
Patgec nagan a Jesus.

Nagan nasam-it a denggen,
Pusoc inna paragsaken ,
Pagsardengenna ti lulua,
Itan-oc yo ni Jesus.

Awan ti macaibaga,
Nokasanot’ kasam-itna?
O dayaw na padakkelen;
Nagan “Jesus” dayawen.

384 The Spirit of God like a Fire Is Burning

The Spirit of God like a fire is burning;
the latter-day glory begins to come forth;
the visions and blessings of old are returning;
the angels are coming to visit the earth.

We’ll sing and we’ll shout with the armies of heaven,
“Hosanna, hosanna to God and the Lamb!”
Let glory to them in the highest be given
henceforth and forever! Amen, and amen!

The Lord is extending his saints’ understanding,
restoring their judges and all as at first;
the knowledge and power of God are expanding;
the veil o’er the earth is beginning to burst.

How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
shall lie down together in peace with a child.
With one heart and mind may the Lord call us Zion:
a people of justice, by God’s love inspired!

We call in our solemn assemblies, in spirit,
to spread forth the kingdom of heaven abroad,
that we through our faith may begin to inherit
the visions and blessings and glories of God.

130 For the Beauty of the Earth

For the beauty of the earth,
for the glory of the skies,
for the love which from our birth
over and around us lies:

Lord of all, to thee we raise
this our hymn of grateful praise.
(last time) Amen.

For the joy of human love,
brother, sister, parent, child,
friends on earth and friends above,
for all gentle thoughts and mild:

For thyself, best Gift Divine
to the world so freely giv’n,
for that great, great love of thine,
peace on earth, and joy in heav’n:

609 Take My Gifts and Let Me Love You

Take my gifts and let me love you,
God who first of all loved me,
gave me light and food and shelter,
gave me life and set me free,
now because your love has touched me,
I have love to give away,
now the bread of love is rising,
loaves of love to multiply!

Take the fruit that I have gathered
from the tree your Spirit sowed,
harvest of your own compassion,
juice that makes the wine of God,
spiced with humor, laced with laughter—
flavor of the Jesus life,
tang of risk and new adventure,
taste and zest beyond belief.

Take whatever I can offer—
gifts that I have yet to find,
skills that I am slow to sharpen,
talents of the hand and mind,
things made beautiful for others
in the place where I must be:
take my gifts and let me love you,
God who first of all loved me.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Rejoice! The Lost is Found



Hymn of Gathering: “ Standing on the Promises”, CCS 257


Call to Worship

Agbiagtayo iti ayat ti Dios,
Aggarawtayo iti bileg ti Dios,
Magnatayo iti lawag ti Dios,
Wen iti ayat, bileg ken lawag daydiay nga
Intayo pagbibiagan ken paggargarawan ken ‘yan ti kababalin tayo.
Ita nga aldaw, ‘yaw-awis kadatayo ti Dios ti maysa a pagdaydayaw.
Awatentayo ngarud dayta nga awis iti parabur, ket ti Dios pasangbayennatayo.
Awis, panangawat, panangpasangbay, panagdaydayaw,
Sumrektayo amin iti nasantoan.

Hymn of Praise: “Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works”, CCS 118



Focus Moment

Drama: Parable of the Lost Sheep and Coin  

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:1-10

Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.


O Apomi a namarsua, iti ingkami pannakangngeg ti paset ti Nasantoan a Surat maipapan iti panagbirok ti napukaw a pirak ken karnero, adda iti pannakakarit kadakami iti agdama a kasasaad iti aglawlawmi ken ti lubong. Dagiti tattao ken nasyon ti sangalubungan, sapsapulenda ti kinakappia iti manon a henerasyon. Napukaw ti maysa a lubong a mangramrambak iti kinakappia, ket gapu daytoy kadagiti nasyon a mas pillienda iti pannakigubat ngem kadagiti wagas koma nga addaan pannakitinnulong ken pannakipagmaymaysa. Tulungannakami koma tapno mabalinmi iti makintinnulong iti pannakaipaay iti naan-anay a kinakappia nga isu iti Shalom. Daytoy iti kararagmi babaen iti nagan ni Jesus a Prinsipe iti kappia, Amen.

Message based on Luke 15:1-10

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 165:2b
Listen to the testimonies of those responding generously. Follow your soul’s yearning to come home to God’s grace and generosity. Let gratitude show you the way.


Iti paset ti Disciples’ Generous Response tayo, ipaayan tayo iti focus iti intayo panangiyannatup kadagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket napatpateg pay ngem itayo pannakabukel iti budget ti Iglesia tayo nga agpaay iti misyon na. Babaen kadagiti daton tayo ket mabalin tayo nga maipakita iti Dios ti namateryalan nga intayo panagyaman kenkuana nga isu iti pagtataudan iti isu-amin nga adda kadatayo.

Usarentayo koma ngarud daytoy a gundaway tapno agyaman iti Dios gapu kadagiti adu sagot ken paraburna kadatayo. Ad-adda a rumangrang-ay dagiti puspusotayo nu addatayo a siyayaman kenkuan ken nu napudno tayo iti intayo panangibiag iti misyon ni Kristo.

Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes

Closing Hymn: “Come and Bring Light”, CCS 287

Sending Forth: Doctrine and Covenants 153:9

Let my word be preach to the bruised and the brokenhearted as well as those who are enmeshed in sin, longing to repent and follow me. Let the truths of my gospel be proclaimed as widely and as far as the dedication of the Saints, especially the exercise of their temporal stewardship, will allow.

My Spirit is reaching our to numerous souls even now and there are many who will respond if you, my people, will bear affirmative testimony of my love and my desires for all to come unto me. 

Be steadfast and trust in the instruction which have been given for your guidance. I will be with you and strengthen you for the tasks that lie ahead if you will continue to be faithful and commit yourselves without reservation to the building of my kingdom.


* H Y M N S *

257 Standing on the Promises

Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
through eternal ages let his praises ring;
glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
standing on the promises of God.

(melody) Stand - ing,
(harmony) Standing on the promises,

(melody) stand - ing,
(harmony) standing on the promises,

(all) standing on the promises of God my Savior;
(melody) stand - ing,
(harmony) standing on the promises,

(melody) stand - ing,
(harmony) standing on the promises,
(all) I’m standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
by the living Word of God I shall prevail,
standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
bound to him eternally by love’s strong cord,
overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
standing on the promises of God.

Standing on the promises I cannot fall,
list’ning every moment to the Spirit’s call,
resting in my Savior as my all in all,
standing on the promises of God.

118 Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works

Great and marvelous are thy works,
O Lord of hosts, almighty One!
Earth and firmament speak thy praise;
thy name is written in the sun.

Sing of his mighty love, for it is wonderful;
let his praise through all the earth resound;
honor and majesty now and forever be
unto God whose love and mercy have no bound.

Thou hast fashioned with thine own hand
the earth below, the heavens above;
O how wonderful is thy power,
and yet how tender is thy love.

287 Come and Bring Light

Come and bring light to a people in darkness.
Come, set us free from the chains we have made.
We are your people, the flock that you tend.
Lord, open our eyes once again.

To the ones brokenhearted: open our eyes.
To the plight of the poor: open our eyes.
To the innocent children: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To the victims of violence: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek justice: open our eyes.
To those sitting in prison: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

When a color divides us: open our eyes.
When the darkness surrounds us: open our eyes.
When we choose to look elsewhere: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To those full of life’s sorrow: open our eyes.
To the needs of the lowly: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek peace: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To those suffering illness: open our eyes.
To those trapped by addiction: open our eyes.
To those lost or forgotten: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

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