Sunday, June 30, 2024

Balance Abundance and Need

 2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Additional Scriptures
2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; Mark 5:21-43



Call to Worship        

Urayentayo ti Apo, pagurayentayo dagiti puspusotayo, ket mangnamnamatayo iti Dios.
Dagiti kararruatayo agur-uray iti Apo a nalablabes pay ngem dagiti mangpadpadaan iti bigat.
Mangnamnamatayo iti Apo!                                                  

—Psalm 130:5-7, adapted

Hymn of Praise: “This Is God’s Wondrous World”  CCS 136

Opening Prayer

Scripture Reading

Jesus Generously Heals in Response to Faith: Mark 5:21-43

Hymn of Understanding “Touch Me Lord, with Thy Spirit Eternal” CCS 574

Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Ministry of Music OR Congregational Hymn of Balance: 108  BENDICIONNA INCA BILANGEN

Message Based on 2 Corinthians 8:7-15

Disciples’ Generous Response

Focus Moment: Wants and Needs, Generosity

Provide two baskets labeled WANTS and NEEDS. Provide index cards and pencils so participants can write down responses. Have them consider these questions:

·         What is something you want?

·         What are the things you need?

Write down their responses and place the cards in the appropriate basket. When everyone is finished, read the cards from each basket aloud.

Have a conversation about the concepts of wants and needs.

·         Were there responses you didn’t agree with?

·         How do you decide what is a want versus a need?

·         What is giving?

·         What is generosity?


Iti daytoy nga aldaw intayo naadal iti maysa nga naidaklan a banag nga isu iti maipapan iti panagaramit babaen iti pammati ken iti kinaparabur, a kas makita babaen iti panangagas ni Jesus iti babai. Itayo pay naadal iti insuro ni Pablo kadagiti taga Corinto maipapan iti kinapateg iti panangipaay wenno panangted. Dagitoy nga adal ket tulungannatayo no kasano iti kinapateg iti panangi-manage kadagiti kayattayo ken dagiti kasapulantayo ken no kasano iti panagbalintayo a naparabur.

 Ket ita iti intayo panangted kadagiti daton tayo, usarentayo koma daytoy a gundaway tapno agyaman iti Dios gapu kadagiti sagot nga intayo aw-awaten iti intayo panagbiag. Dumakdakkel dagiti puspusotayo a maiyannatup iti Dios no siyayamantayo nga umawat ken sipupudnotayo a sumungbat iti panangibiag iti misyon ni Kristo.

 Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes

 Hymn of Sending Forth “Send Me Forth”   CCS 651

Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.

Responsive Prayer for Peace

Leader:            Dios iti Ayat, itdem kadi kadakami iti kappia.

People:           Sapaykoma a dagiti dandanag iti kaungganmi ket agsardengda.

Leader:            Ipakitam kadi no kasano a masarakanmi iti naulimek a paginanaan.

People:           O Dios itdem iti grasya iti ingkami panagkararag.


Leader:            O Dios iti biag, ikkannakami kadi iti kappia.

People:            Isuronakami no kasano a maaddaankami iti ima a managtulong.

Leader:            Iti Tunggal tawen ken inaldaw-aldaw.

People:           Diosmi, ikkannakami iti kinamanagparabur nga addaan iti panangilala.


Leader:            O Dios iti Inanama, ikkannakami kadi iti kappia.

People:           Sapaykadi a bumassit koma dagiti saan a pagkikinnaawatan ditoy lubong.

Leader:            Idalannakami iti kinamangaasi ken kinahustisiya.

People:           O Dios, itdem iti grasya a ingkami mapagtalkan.


Leader:            Dios iti isu amin, itdem iti kappia kadakami

People:           Tulungannakami a sumungbat: babaen iti panangagas kadagiti masakit, panangbiruk kadagiti napukaw, waya-wayaan dagiti balud.

Leader:            Sapay koma nga agserbikami a saanmi a bilbilangen dagitoy.

People:            Agbiagkami koma nga addaan kinakappia.

All:                              O Dios, itdem kadi kadakami iti kappiam. Amen.


                                                                        —John A Dalles, “O God of Love,” CCS 316, adapted


Sending Forth: Go in peace.


(Count Your Blessing)

No ta pangbiagmo mariribocca,
Ket ta panunot pacapsutennaca,
Bendicionna bilangem a saggaysa,
Agsiddaawcanto ti caaduda.

Dayta bendicion mot’ bilangem,
Ayat ti Dios inca kitaen,
Bendicionna inca bilangem,
Adu nga ayatna inna inteden,

Maricnam unay dagsen ta awitmo,
Dayta cruzmo bantotnat’ napalalo,
No bilangem bendicionna nga adu,
Danag pumanaw ragsac sumucatto.

 No dagiti dadduma nabacnangda,
Lagipen ti cari ni Cristo kenca,
Paraburna di magatadan kwarta,
Sanicuat’ diay Gloria awan servina.

 No adda ka tengngat’ pagbabacalan,
Ti Dios ngad ‘ isu  ti inca camangan,
Ti paraburna angeles ammoda,
Ayat ken tulongna di agpatingga.

 574 Touch Me, Lord, with Thy Spirit Eternal

Touch me, Lord, with thy Spirit eternal;|
stir my soul to respond to thy call.
Take my love, for I offer it freely;
hear my prayer as I thank thee for all.
Hear my prayer as I thank thee for all.

Teach me, Lord, to walk humbly before thee;
may I hasten thy will to obey.
Make me wise to see clearly thy purpose;
keep me true to my calling, I pray.
Keep me true to my calling, I pray.

Fill me, Lord, with thine infinite power;
make me firm, make me pure, make me whole.
With thy Spirit to strengthen and guide me,
I shall serve thee with all of my soul.
I shall serve thee with all of my soul.

651 Send Me Forth

Send me forth with Christ’s commission; fill my soul with new resolve.
Let my hands and feet be agents of God’s grace,
and with love I will erase the lines of prejudice and hate.
I will share enduring values of my faith.

Call me forth (call me forth) to active service (call me forth)
and my prompt response shall be, “Here am I, send me!”
Hand in hand we’ll work together building peace and harmony.
We will share the peace of Jesus with all we see.

Melt my fears and trepidations! Grant me courage for life’s path.
Set my eyes on new horizons to pursue,
and with joy I will proclaim God’s love in all I say and do.
I will join each helping hand to make life new.

Be a voice of transformation, gentle hands to help and heal.
Be an ear to hear creation’s wounded plea.
Be a friend to those who have no friend and in God’s blessed name
we will demonstrate God’s dream for unity.


This Is God’s Wondrous World

This is God’s wondrous world,
and to my listening ears
all nature sings, and round me rings
the music of the spheres.
This is God’s wondrous world;
I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas,
God’s hand the wonders wrought.

This is God’s wondrous world;
the birds their carols raise,
the morning light, the lily white,
declare their Maker’s praise.
This is God’s wondrous world;
God shines in all that’s fair.
In rustling grass or mountain pass,
God’s voice speaks everywhere.

This is God’s wondrous world;
oh, let me ne’er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the Ruler yet.
This is God’s wondrous world;
why should my heart be sad?
Let voices sing, let the heavens ring;
God reigns, let earth be glad!

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