Saturday, November 4, 2023

Humble Yourself



Hymns of Gathering: “As We Gather”  sing twice CCS 73


Call to Worship Responsive Reading

Leader:      O agyamankayo iti Apo!

Response: Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Leader:      Subbuten ti Dios dagiti adda iti peggad!

Response:  Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Leader:       Innala ti Dios dagiti agkalkallautang iti let-ang!

Response: Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Leader:       Ti Dios ti pagtaudan ti biag dagiti mabisin ken mawaw!

Response: Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Leader:      Adda latta ti Dios no kumapoy ken maitublak tayo!

Response: Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Leader:       Agyamantayo iti Dios gapu iti di agbalbaliw nga ayatna ken iti nagpintasan a biagtayo!

ALL:         Gapu ta naimbag ti Dios!

Hymns of Praise : “Now Sing to Our God” CCS 108



Scripture Reading: Matthew 23:1-12

Theme in Song: “Humble Yourself” sing at least twice CCS 211

Homily: Based on Matthew 23:1-12

Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.



Agyamankami iti panangur-uraymo manen kadakami iti daytoy nga aldaw. Tunggal aldaw, ammomi nga iyaw-awismo kadakami a kanayon iti iruruarmi koma kadagiti panaginbubukodmi ket laglagipenmi ti ayatmo nga awan panangidumdumana, maysa a nagpintasan a misteryo, napudno ken umiso a naipaay iti naespirituan a biag. Ita kayatmi manen koma a marikna dayta.

Ammomi met nga ay-ayatennakami, ngem kayatmi met nga ibaga kenka a no dadduma agduduakami nga adda gayam a talaga iti ayat nga awan kondisyona ditoy lubong. No mariknami iti pannakadagsen gapu iti nakaad-adu a naipabaklay kadakami, sapay koma a mariknami iti pannakapalag-an babaen kadagiti im-ima ti Ispiritu a dumteng tapno palag-anenna dagitoy nga aw-awitenmi.

Tulungannakami tapno kankanayon koma a silalagip kami nga iti rag-o ken inanama ket saan a gunguna gapu iti panangitrabaho iti kappia – no di ket dagitoy iti sentro iti trabaho. Sapay koma a makitami dagiti adda iti kasipngitan ken mangngegmi dagiti timek dagiti saanda nga ammo iti agsao para iti kalinteganda. Gapu met laeng it pannakabalbaliwmi, iyaw-awismi ti daras koma a panangallangonmo  kadagiti dadagsen, panagsagaba ken pannaka-upayda.

Iti daytoy nasantoan a lugar, sapay koma nga umad-adda pay iti pannakaawatmi a sika ket makaanayen kadakami, kasta met a siak ken dakami ket makaanaykamin iti tunggal maysa. Iti nagan ni Jesus, ti Kappia ken mangsapsapul iti hustisiya. Amen. 

- Emma Gray Pitt


Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper


Invitation to Communion

Amin ket maawis iti lamisaan ni Kristo. Ti panangrabii ti Apo wenno Komunyon ket maysa a sakramento ti pananglaglagip ti biag, ipapatay, panagungar ken agtultuloy a presensiya ni Jesu-Kristo. Iti Community of Christ, daytoy ket maysa nga oportunidad iti panangpabaro iti bautismo ken pannakitulag tayo kas maysa nga adalan a mangibiag iti misyon ni Kristo. Maawis tayo ngarud amin tapno aramiden tayo babaen iti ayat ken kappia ni Jesu-Kristo.

Communion Scripture Reading: Luke 22:7-39

Communion Talk


Hymn of Preparation: “Eat This Bread” sing several times         CCS 528

Blessing and Serving of Bread and Wine


Disciples’ Generous Response


Ita nga aldaw intayo itultuloy iti panangipaay tayo iti focus tayo iti Generosity Cycle. Maysa daytoy a gundaway tapno ipaayan tayo iti panawen iti panangilasin tayo kadagiti parabur ti Dios ket ammoentayo iti pannakaiyun-uneg pay iti panagbalintayo nga adalan babaen iti maysa nga intensiyunal a panangaramid iti tungpal biag a panangaywan tayo. Kas iti minsteryo ni Jesus nga isu iti panangaywanna kadagiti nakurapay, ket uray met datayo kayat tayo met iti tumulong iti daytoy. Ket iti Communion Sunday, ammotayo a daytoy ket nangnangruna a nakafocus iti oblation ministries nga agpaay kadagiti agkasapulan unay. Mainaig unay daytoy iti maysa kadagiti Mission Initiatives iti Community of Christ nga isu iti Abolish Poverty, End Needless Suffering. 


Scripture Reading: Doctrine and Covenants 163:4a

God, the Eternal Creator, weeps for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering. Such conditions are not God’s will. Open your ears to hear the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Do not turn away from them. For in their welfare resides your welfare.



Mangipaay iti panagsarita maipapan iti kinapateg iti oblation ministries kadagiti biag dagiti kakabsat a mabalin nga adda iti local wenno iti sabali a pagilian ditoy lubong.  


No maminsan, saantayo a maik-ikkan iti pateg dagiti adda kadatayo. Ket ita daytoy iti opurtunidad a maammoantayo a napnapnoan tayo iti parabur iti tunggal aldaw nga addaan tayo iti kankanayon a gundaway tapno mabalin tayo koma nga ibingay dayta a bendisyun. Intayo ngarud ammoen dagitoy a banbanag.


Blessing and Receiving of Local and Worldwide Mission Tithes



Congregational Sung Response: “Come and Bring Light”: CCS 287


Sending Forth

Never forget that you are loved - every building block part of you. Even when you fall, God will lift you up. Discover the blessings of life not just for you, but in the way God works through you, your neighbors, this faith community, and in all creation! Keep creating! God will lift you up!


Recessional Hymn: “Humble Yourself” CCS 211


287 Come and Bring Light

Come and bring light to a people in darkness.
Come, set us free from the chains we have made.
We are your people, the flock that you tend.
Lord, open our eyes once again.

To the ones brokenhearted: open our eyes.
To the plight of the poor: open our eyes.
To the innocent children: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To the victims of violence: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek justice: open our eyes.
To those sitting in prison: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love. 

When a color divides us: open our eyes.
When the darkness surrounds us: open our eyes.
When we choose to look elsewhere: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To those full of life’s sorrow: open our eyes.
To the needs of the lowly: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek peace: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love. 

To those suffering illness: open our eyes.
To those trapped by addiction: open our eyes.
To those lost or forgotten: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

211 Humble Yourself

Humble yourself before the Lord,
he will lift you up.
Humble yourself before the Lord,
he will lift you up.
He will lift you up,
he will lift you up
if you only
humble yourself before the Lord,
he will lift you up.

73 As We Gather

As we gather, may your Spirit work within us.
As we gather, may we glorify your name.
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship,
we’ll be blessed because we came,
we’ll be blessed because we came.

108 Now Sing to Our God

Now sing to our God a song of rejoicing;
shout to the Lord with sounds of rebirth!
Bring music and dances, sweet moments of silence;
take action that fosters the healing of earth.

Sing to our God! (A song of rejoicing!)
Shout to the Lord! (With sounds of rebirth!)
Sing to our God! (A song of rejoicing!)
We’ll live in the union the Good Spirit brings!

For God is our maker and calls us as partners;
blessing, redeeming, loving all things!
With Christ as our model and everyone fam’ly,
we’ll live in the union the Good Spirit brings.

Encircle the globe with life-giving justice!
Stand reassured of God’s boundless grace.
Be strong in the service of planet and creature;
make each day of living an off’ring of praise!

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