Saturday, March 19, 2022

Seek the Lord



Hymn of Lowly

              “Come Noww, You Hungry” CCS 227

Call to Worship (Doctrine and Covenants 162:1a-2b

Listen, O people of the Restoration—you who become a prophetic people, embodying in your life together the ministries of the Temple. Listen to the voice that speaks from beyond the farthest hills, from infinite heavens above, and vast of seas below.

Listen to the voice that echoes across the eons of time and yet speaks anew in this moment. Listen to the Voice, for it cannot be stilled, and it calls you once again to the great and marvelous work of building the peaceable kingdom, even Zion, on behalf of the One whose name you claim.


Hymn of Journey


Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55:1-9

Message  and Sharing Based on Isaiah 55:1-9

Prayer for Peace

Light the Peace Candle.


Naindaklan a Dios,

Adtoykami a sipupuso tapno agkararag Kenka. Agyamankami iti maymaysa a nangsinggalot kadakami tapno mapagkaykaysa kami, ngem nupay kasta adda latta pannakalipatmi kadagitoy. Sapay kadi a dagiti pagdudumaanmi ken ladladingitmi ket saan a dagitoy iti mangbulag kadakami ket saanmi a makita ti kasasaad dagiti kakabsatmi ken iti aglawlawmi.

Tulungannakami nga agbiag a silulukat dagiti matami tapno makitami iti kusto a kasasaad dagiti kakabsatmi. Babaen iti silulukat nga imami, mabalinmi a maabot dagiti adda a madangdangran. Babaen iti panunotmi a maparaan, mabirukanmi dagiti umno a solusyon ti problema nupay saanmi pay maawatan a pudno ket babaen iti silulukat a puso mabalinmi iti sumungbat kadagiti pakasapulan dagiti adda iti aglawlawmi a kas iti inaramid ti Prinsipe iti Kappia a ni Jesus. Amen.

Hymng of Peace: “Come and Bring Light” CCS 287

Disciples’ Generous Response

Scripture Reading

Ti Apo a Dios ket saan a mangaramid iti aniaman a banag a saan nga agpaay iti pagsayaatan iti lubong; gapu ta ay-ayaten unay ti Dios ti lubong, nga uray pay ni Kristo naidasay ket intedna iti biagna tapno amin ket maiyasidegda iti Dios.  Ngarud, awan iti binilin ti Dios a saan a makipaset iti pannakaisalakan. Addakadi sinangitan ti Dios at kinunana, “Panawannak”? Kunak kadakayo, awan, ngem kinuna iti Dios, “Umaykayo amin manipud iti amin a suli ti daga; gumatang kayo iti gatas ken dero nga awan iti kuwartayo ken awan gatadna.”

Adda kadi binilin iti Dios a saan a makipaset iti pannakaisalakan? Kunak kadakayo, awan, ngem ti Dios intedna daytoy nga awan bayadna; Imbilin ti Dios kadi isu-amin a tattao a masapul nga maallukoyda amin nga agbabawi. Adda kadi kinuna iti Dios nga awan pasetda iti kinaimbag ti Dios? Kunak kadakayo, awan, ngem amin ket addaan gundaway a kas iti sagtunggal maysa, ket awan iti siasinoman a mapawilan. - 2 Nephi 11:96-99, 102-105 adapted


Iti paset iti Disciples’ Genrous Response, itden tayo iti panangi-focus tayo iti pannakaiyannatup dagiti puspusotayo iti puso ti Dios. Dagiti daton tayo ket saan laeng a tapno magun-od tayo iti pannakapondo iti misyon ti iglesia. Babaen kadagitoy a daton, ket agserbida a kas simbolo iti intayo panagyaman ti Dios nga isu iti mangipapaay kadagiti isu-amin tayo.

Ti Doctrine and Covenants 165:2a, ket yaw-awisna kadatayo iti panangpalubos tayo koma iti naan-anay a kapasidad ti misyon ni Kristo babaen ti kinaparabur tayo a kas panangtulad tayo iti kinaparabur ti Dios kadatayo.  Kabayatan ti intayo panangipaay kadagiti datontayo, maawis tayo tapno panunuten ti ayab ti Dios kadatayo a tuladen ti kinaparaburna.

Blessing and Receiving of Offering

Hymn of Boundless

“The Tress of the Fields” CCS 645


Sending Forth

Isaiah 55:12

“Naragsakkayto a pumanaw iti Babilonia; sitatalnakayto a mairuar iti siudad. Agkakantanto dagiti bambantay ken turturod, agpukkawto dagiti kaykayo gapu iti rag-o.”


** H Y M N S **

227 Come Now, You Hungry

Come now, you hungry,
come now, you thirsty;
come drink living water,
come unto me.

Come now, you weary,
come bring your burdens;
come drink living water,
come unto me.

Come now, you poor ones,
come now, you lowly;
come drink living water,
come unto me.

Come now, rejected,
come now, abandoned;
come drink living water,
come unto me.

645 The Trees of the Field

You shall go out with joy
and be led forth with peace;
the mountains and the hills
will break forth before you;
there’ll be shouts of joy,
and all the trees of the field
will clap, will clap their hands.

And all the trees of the field
will clap their hands,
the trees of the field
will clap their hands,
the trees of the field
will clap their hands
while you go out with joy.

(The Saviour With Me)

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Diac cayat agwaywayas;
Kencuana umasidegac,
Tackiagna pakibinac.

No Isut’ mangidalan,
Awantot’ pagdanagac,
Innacto nga awan pambar,
Kencuana paidalan.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Tapno papigsaennac;
Ta ammoc a nacapuyac,
Isu liwliwaennac.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac.
Uray no ilasatnac;
Catudoan ken cainitan,
Wenno pagbabacalan.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Ta isut’ mangidalan;
Aginggat’ diac magun-dan,
Balligi naan-anay.

287 Come and Bring Light

Come and bring light to a people in darkness.
Come, set us free from the chains we have made.
We are your people, the flock that you tend.
Lord, open our eyes once again.

To the ones brokenhearted: open our eyes.
To the plight of the poor: open our eyes.
To the innocent children: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To the victims of violence: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek justice: open our eyes.
To those sitting in prison: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love. 

When a color divides us: open our eyes.
When the darkness surrounds us: open our eyes.
When we choose to look elsewhere: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.

To those full of life’s sorrow: open our eyes.
To the needs of the lowly: open our eyes.
To the ones who seek peace: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love. 

To those suffering illness: open our eyes.
To those trapped by addiction: open our eyes.
To those lost or forgotten: open our eyes.
Teach us compassion and love.


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