Friday, January 22, 2021

Asidegen Ti Pagarian


Marcos 1:12-20


Welcome and Caring and Sharing

Call to Worship

Leader: Iti Dios laeng a siuulimek nga agur-uray ‘toy kararruak,

People: Siuulimekak nga agur-uray nga addaan namnama.

Leader: Ti Dios laeng ti bato a pagtalkak.

People: Ti Dios isu ti bato a mangisalakan kaniak. Saanak to a maan-ano.

Leader: Agtalek iti Dios.

People: Ti Dios ti salakan ko

Leader: Iti Dios laeng a siuulimek nga agur-uray ‘toy kararruak,

People: Siuulimekak nga agur-uray nga addaan namnama.

-Psalm 62:5-12, adapted

Prayer of Gratitude and Blessing (Kararag iti panagyaman ken bendisyun)

Sung Response

        “Wait for the Lord” CCS 399

Focus Moment: Reading the Good News of Repentance

        Kingdom Scramble handout.

Responsible Choices Guided Meditation

        Pause or ring a chime between each statement.

           Pakawanennak O Dios…
                       Kadagiti gundaway nga adayo-ak Kenka…

Kadagiti desisyon a saan a maiparbeng, dawatek iti kaasim…
          Kadagiti gundaway nga adayo-ak Kenka…
                      Pakawanennak O Dios…

The Good News of Calling

        Scripture Reading: Marcos 1:16-18

Hymn of Calling

        “Jesus Is Calling” CCS 578

The Good News of Calling

        Scripture Reading: Marcos 1:19-20

Ministry of Music or Congregational Hymn

        “You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore” CCS 582/583

Prayer for Peace

        Light the peace candle.


O Dios, aw-awagannakami. Dengdenggenmi ti awisMo iti naimbag a damag ti kappia. Adtoykami a sibababawi, ket sisasagana kami tapno sumungbat iti awagMo kadakami. Tulungannakami tapno masapulanmi iti tunggal kanito iti tunggal aldaw tapno makapagbiag kami iti kinakappia. Bendisyunannakami iti sagot ti kinatalinaay, palubusannakami a mangiyeg ti ayat, rag-o, inanama ken kappia kadagiti dadduma babaen iti wagas iti kinakappia, panagkikinnabsat ken panagbiag nga addaan hustisiya. Wen, mariknami a pudno nga iti pagariam ket asidegen.

Sapay koma a ti pagariam iti kappia ket isu iti agari nga agnanayon kadagiti puspuso ken ditoy lubong mi. Amen.


        Based on Mark 1:14-20

Hymn of Response


Disciples Generous Response

        Statement of Gratitude (Sasao iti Panagyaman)

Siyayaman tayo kadi? Siyayaman tayo kadi iti Dios? Addia dagiti banbanag a pagyamanam iti daytoy nga aldaw? Mabalin kadi a mangibingay tayo iti sumagmamano kadagitoy?

Scripture Reading: John 3:16


Adtoy nga nailanad: Ta kasta la unay iti panagayat ti Dios ditoy lubong! Mariknatayo kadi? Siyayaman tayo kadi? Ti naindaklan nga ayat ti Dios ket adda kadatayo, gapu ta inaramid ti Dios ti lubong ket intedna iti sagotna a ni Jesu-Kristo, nga isu iti kaddua tayo, isu iti manursuro kadatayo ken isu iti gayyem tayo.

Iti paset iti DGR tayo, saan tayo koma a liplipatan iti panangiyannatup tayo kadagiti puspuso ken kalikagum tayo iti puso ken kalikagum ti Dios.

Uray pay patien tayo nga iti pagarian ti Dios ket asidegen, ammo tayo koma met iti sumungbat ket agyaman iti naisangsangayan a sagot ti Dios kadatayo nga isu iti makabalin ken makagapu iti pannakaipaay wenno pannakaipasdek iti pagarian.

Nu maawatan tayo nga iti parabur wenno bendisyun ti Dios ket ipapaayna nga away iti bayadna, ammotayo koma met iti mangibingay kadagitoy nga awan met iti namnamaen tayo a bayadna.

Ta kasta la unay iti panagayat ti Dios ditoy lubong!

Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes

Hymn of Commitment

        “Send Me Forth” CCS 651

Prayer and Benediction




399 Wait for the Lord

Wait for the Lord, his day is near.
Wait for the Lord: be strong, take heart!

578 Jesus Is Calling

Jesus is calling, oh, hear him today,
calling for you, calling for you.
Will you not quickly the summons obey?
Jesus is calling for you. (for you.)

(Women) Call - ing for you; .
(Men) Jesus is calling, is calling for you.

(Women) call - ing for you.
(Men) Jesus is calling, is calling for you.

(All) Hear him today; do not turn him away.
Jesus is calling for you. (for you.)

Jesus is calling, your service he needs,
calling for you, calling for you.
Tenderly, patiently with you he pleads;
Jesus is calling for you. (for you.)

Jesus is calling, he stands at the door,
calling for you, calling for you.
Open your heart, and his mercy implore;
Jesus is calling for you. (for you.)

582 You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore

You have come down to the lakeshore
seeking neither the wise nor the wealthy,
but only asking for me to follow.

Sweet Lord, you have looked into my eyes;
kindly smiling, you’ve called out my name.
On the sand I have abandoned my small boat;
now with you, I will seek other seas.

You know full well what I have, Lord:
neither treasure nor weapons for conquest,
just these my fish nets and will for working.

You need my hands, my exhaustion,
working love for the rest of the weary—
a love that’s willing to go on loving.

You who have fished other waters;
you, the longing of souls that are yearning:
O loving Friend, you have come to call me.

(The Saviour With Me)

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Diac cayat agwaywayas;
Kencuana umasidegac,
Tackiagna pakibinac.

No Isut’ mangidalan,
Awantot’ pagdanagac,
Innacto nga awan pambar,
Kencuana paidalan.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Tapno papigsaennac;
Ta ammoc a nacapuyac,
Isu liwliwaennac.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac.
Uray no ilasatnac;
Catudoan ken cainitan,
Wenno pagbabacalan.

Ken Jesus makicuyugac,
Ta isut’ mangidalan;
Aginggat’ diac magun-odan,
Balligi naan-anay.


651 Send Me Forth

Send me forth with Christ’s commission; fill my soul with new resolve.
Let my hands and feet be agents of God’s grace,
and with love I will erase the lines of prejudice and hate.
I will share enduring values of my faith.

Call me forth (call me forth) to active service (call me forth)
and my prompt response shall be, “Here am I, send me!”
Hand in hand we’ll work together building peace and harmony.
We will share the peace of Jesus with all we see.

Melt my fears and trepidations! Grant me courage for life’s path.
Set my eyes on new horizons to pursue,
and with joy I will proclaim God’s love in all I say and do.
I will join each helping hand to make life new.

Be a voice of transformation, gentle hands to help and heal.
Be an ear to hear creation’s wounded plea.
Be a friend to those who have no friend and in God’s blessed name
we will demonstrate God’s dream for unity. 

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