Friday, September 11, 2020

The Exodus Journey / Ang Paglalakbay sa Exodo

 EXODUS 14:19-31



Gathering Hymns

        “The God of Abraham Praise” CCS 94




Scripture Reading: Exodus 14:19-31


A Response to God’s Wonders at the Exodus: Psalm 114

Maysa a kabsat iti mangibasa iti paset ti nasantoan a surat manipud iti maudi a tugaw wenno likod babaen iti napigsa a timek.



        174 CAS PASTOR NGA MANGIDALAN (Savior like a shephered)




Prayer for Peace

        Light the Peace Candle.

        Sung Prayer for Peace

                “Lord Make us Instruments of Your Peace” CCS 364


Focus Moment


Umaw-awag ti Dios kadatayo iti amin a gundaway, dagiti basbasol tayo ket napakawandan, ket datayo naawagan tayo tapno agtultuloy tayo nga agaramid. Sungbatan tayo a si-uulimek kadagiti bagbagi tayo dagiti sumaganad a saludsud.

·     Ammom kadi a pinakawannakan iti Dios? (pause)

·     Adda kadi dagiti mabalin mo nga isakripisiyo nga agpaay iti Dios? (pause)

·     Adda kadi dagiti paset iti biag mo a mabalin mo nga isakripisiyo ket rumuar ka babaen iti pammatim?


Sermon Message

        Based on Exodus 14:19-31


Disciples’ Generous Response

        Scripture: Doctrine and Covenants 165:2




Ti Disciples’ Generous Response a kas paset iti panagdaydayaw ket saan a panangallukoy kadagiti tattao tapno ipaayda dagiti subsubrada a pirak manipud kadagiti bulsa wenno carpeta da. Daytoy a paset iti panagdaydayaw ket maysa a panangipaay iti kari iti tungpal biag a panangaywan. Daytoy a gundaway ket mangted iti oras tayo nga agpanunot iti tunggal lawas.


Babaen iti daytoy nga intayo panagdaydayaw, mabalin a dadduma ket matignay tapno mangipaay iti nasursurok ngem iti adda nga insag-saganana. Saan tayo met pulos pinanggep a lappedan iti panangtignay iti Espiritu Santo. Ngem ketdi iti panggep tayo ket isu iti panangiyawis kadagiti tattao iti inda panagpanunot ken panangkita kadagiti adda nga inawatda a parabur ken nu kasano met iti isusungbat kadagitoy a mabalin nga iti pinansiyal.     


Kas iti intayo pannakadengngeg kadagiti kar-kararag ken nasantoan a surat iti tunggal lawas, dagitoy ket makatulong da iti pannakapatibker iti naespirituwan a kasasaad ken aramid tayo kas maysa nga adalan. Adda dagiti naisangsangayan nga epekto iti Disciples’ Generous Response a kas paset iti panagday-dayaw. Rumangrang-ay tayo kas manangaywan babaen kadagiti linawas nga opurtunidad iti intayo panagpanpanunot a datayo ket immawat ket nu kasano tayo met a sumungbat.


Ita ket iti intayo panangipaay kadagiti daton tayo, i-focus tayo koma nu kasano tayo a maiyannatup dagiti puspuso tayo iti puso ti Dios, ken nu kasano tayo a maiyannatup dagiti panggep wenno gandat tayo iti gandat iti Dios.


Nu maawatan tayo iti panagayat iti Dios ken kasta met iti kinaparaburna nga isu iti panangipaayna a sibubulos, addatayo met koma a sumungbat kadagitoy babaen iti intayo panagyaman babaen met iti panangibingay tayo a sibubulos.



Blessing and Receiving of Mission Tithes.



        649 With a Steadfast Faith


Prayers and Sending




364 Lord, Make Us Instruments


Lord, make us instruments of your peace;

where there is hatred let your love increase.

Lord, make us instruments of your peace;

walls of pride and prejudice shall cease,

when we are your instruments of peace.


Where there is hatred, we will sow your love;

where there is injury, we will never judge.

Where there is striving, we will speak your peace;

to the people crying for release,

we will be your instruments of peace.


Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight;

where there is darkness, we will shine your light.

Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief;

to the millions crying for release,

we will be your instruments of peace.


649 With a Steadfast Faith


With a steadfast faith together let us walk

as we seek our Maker’s mind;

in our daily task and in the Word revealed,

God’s eternal purpose find.


With a steadfast faith together let us walk

that each one on earth may know

the abundant life, the way that Jesus taught,

and in Christlike stature grow.


With a steadfast faith together let us walk,

serving with a common heart,

sharing gratefully the Spirit’s constant care,

and to all God’s love impart.


94 The God of Abraham Praise


The God of Abraham praise, all praises to God’s name,

who was and is and is to be, fore’er the same!

The one eternal God, before what now appears;

the First, the Last: beyond all thought through timeless years!


God’s Spirit freely flows, high surging where it will;

God spoke of old in prophet’s word; that word speaks still.

Established is God’s law, and changeless it shall stand,

deep written on the human heart, in every land.


God has eternal life implanted in the soul;

God’s love shall be our strength and stay, while ages roll.

All praise the living God! Extol that hallowed name,

who was, and is, and ever shall be still the same!


The God of Sarah praise, all praises to God’s name,

who was and is and is to be, fore’er the same!

The one eternal God, before what now appears;

the First, the Last: beyond all thought through timeless years!



(Savior like a shephered)


Cas pastor a mangidalan,

Apo aywanannacam,

Cararuamit’ taraonam,

Pammatimit’ degdegam,

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Daram sinubbutnacam’,

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Daram sinubbutanacam.


Gayyemca a caimbagan,

Innacam, cad’ taengan,

Basolcad’ ilisi nacam’,

Innacam cad’ idalan,

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Cararagmit’ imdengam.

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Cararagmit’ imdengam.


Carim nga awaten nacam,

Uray dakescam unay,

Paraburmot’ macaanay,

A mangwaya cadacam,

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Kenca incam cumamang,

Apo Jesus cagasatan,

Kenca incam cumamang.



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